ADG’s Annual General Meeting 2007

ADG will be having its Annual General Meeting in Perth on Sunday 11 March 2007.

The Perth Disc Golf Open will be taking place on this weekend and the AGM will take place immediately after the tournament has finished.

ADG invites Australia’s disc golfers to join our organisation and to play a part in shaping and growing the sport we all love. Please click ‘Read More…’ below for full details.

By joining ADG, you become a voting member of a growing group of passionate disc golfers who are actively working towards improving disc golf in Australia.

At the Annual General Meeting in Perth, ADG members will be discussing what ADG can do for Aus disc golf development and what ADG can do to help its members. To play an active role in this AGM, you will need to be an ADG member.

To join ADG, visit

ADG members are invited to submit any topics they’d like to be discussed at the AGM.  Discussion points can be submitted by email, to do so visit:

ADG Board Election

One of the other purposes of the AGM is for its members to elect five Board members to best represent the organisation for the next 12 months.

ADG is looking for people who are motivated and energised to be part of the Board; people who feel they can make a difference to the achievements of the ADG over the next year. Candidates need to be current ADG members.

The positions and current serving Board members are:

President: Richard Sampson
Secretary: Chris Himing
Treasurer: Tim Marchbank
Director of Development: Albert Munoz
Director of Competitions: Paul Arden

In the next few days ADG will be releasing further details on the election process for candidates and for voters.

ADG announcements are always released first through the ADG website either on the home page or in the discussion forums

Please note that to be eligible to vote, you will need to be an ADG member.

Contact ADG

Email your enquiry from this web page:

Join ADG
Show your support for the work and ambitions of ADG by signing up and becoming a member.

Membership packages start from $25.

You can be a member in minutes, Paypal and credit card payments are amongst your payment options.

For more details and to sign up visit

Join up and support Australian Disc Golf!

Thank you.
Richard Sampson
Australian Disc Golf

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