The Big Update

Well, since I have moved to Germany lots of ADG related things have been piling up on my desk. Time to clear house and update the Australian Disc Golf community on various goings on. This will all be in one big post so I have summarised the content here:

  • ADGC
  • ADGTour 2008 Final Standings
  • ADGTour 2009
  • AGM and Elections
  • Club Update
  • Tournaments

There is a lot of activity right now, particulary with dedicated local players starting clubs and running events. If you would like to share any developments with ADG to publication on our website please let me know. Please click ‘Read more…’ below to go to the full story.



There was a fantastic turn out for the 2008 Australian Disc Golf
Championships. A total of 37 players from 4 countries and 6 states came
to battle for the most prestigious title in Australian Disc Golf. Here
are the winners for each division:

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Men’s Open

  1. Kurt Karlsson (193)
  2. Corey Bandy (204)
  3. Bryan Motley (208)
Men’s Masters

  1. Bob Gentil (207)
  2. Philip Shane (224)
  3. Keith Bird (229)
Men’s Advanced

  1. Simon Pryde (236)
  2. Jason McFarlane (244)
  3. Jason Howe (255)

  1. Cassie Anderson (275)
  2. Sally Hill (279)
Men’s Recreational

  1. Tim Bickerstaff (281)
  2. Jared Gray

One of our International players from New Zealand has done a great
write-up of the event, including photos and results. You can view Bob
Gentil’s great report here:

 ADGC Report on


ADGTour 2009 Final Standings

The ADGC also saw the culmination of he 2008 ADGTour.Awards for the ADGTour were presented alongside the ADGC awards. There were lots of prizes and adulation for our ADGTour champions. For the record, your 2008 ADGTour champions are:

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Men’s Open Champion

  • Luke Williams

Women’s Champion

  • Sally Hill

Men’s Masters Champion

  • Greg Sparksman

Men’s Advanced Champion

  • Simon Pryde

Congratulations to all who participated in the 2008 ADGTour and this year’s champions. Luke Williams and Sally Hill will have their names immortalised on the ADGTour perpetual trophy. Consistently the ADGTour players are those who compete in the most events, so the more you play the better your chances of becoming a champion. We look forward to seeing everyone back for the 2009 ADGTour.

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