Australia Represents at 2009 Asia Disc Golf Open


Team Australia Chilling with World Champion Dave Feldberg
Left to Right, Chris Finn (WA), Dave Bandy (WA), Paul Arden (VIC), Dave Feldberg (USA)

Three Australian players represented Australian Disc Golf at the 2009 Asia Disc Golf Open in Taipei, Taiwan this weekend. There was a field of 72 players from Taiwan, Japan, Korea, Sweden, USA and Australia. Dave Bandy flew the flag well tied for 8th place with Erich Altoray from Sweden.Chris Finn and Paul Arden placed 22nd and 23rd place respectively. Windy conditions and 150-class play made for an especially challenging event. More detailed write up and photos will be posted in the near future (after competitors have reovered from their long plane rides home).

For preliminary results, please visit the EZ Flying website here.

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