
Detailed information on Discology can be found below.

Contact Details

Telephone: +61 3 6223 7627

Email: enquiries@discology.com.au


118 Marlyn Road
South Hobart
TAS 7004


About Discology

Discology specialises in flying discs and flying disc sports.

Discology has offices in the UK and in Australia.

We offer a comprehensive range of discs and disc related products and services. This is reinforced by a wealth of knowledge and experience in the flying disc market.

The company came about when Director, Richard Sampson, chanced upon the sport of disc golf whilst travelling through the United States in the mid 1990s. Richard was so gripped by disc golf that on his return to the UK, he became a regular player at disc golf tournaments, began organising tournaments and set about promoting disc golf at any opportunity.

In February 1999, Richard teamed up with his close friend Frank ‘The Hat’ Knutton to set up Discology in the UK.

Initially, Discology set out to support the development of disc golf. However, the company evolved to embrace and promote all aspects of flying discs – culture, community, industry, recreation, sport, and lifestyle.

We support all flying disc activity, however the staff are nuts about disc golf! If you meet us at a party, don’t mention disc golf, you may regret it – it’s our favourite subject!

In 2005, Discology ventured 12,000 miles to set up a second office in Australia.
One day we hope to see at least one disc golf course at every major town and city in the UK and Australia.

Since 1999, we have worked with a broad spectrum of customers on a wide variety of flying disc projects.
We welcome all levels of business, be it a one-disc customer or a 50,000 disc customer.
Please browse our portfolio of corporate clients.

We respect and appreciate all are customers and we always aim to provide them with the best information, products and service we can.

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