Queensland Disc Golf Open 2007 Results and Report

The 2007 Queensland Disc Golf Open was held last weekend with a total of 14 players from around Australia and even one from NZ attempting to win "The Chocolate to die for Cup". The event was won by Simon Feasey from New Zealand on the fourth hole of a sudden death play-off with local Tim Marchbank, after Tim made up 3 shots during the final nine holes of the competition.

There was also a team competition between Team Australia & Team New Zealand – results are included, click ‘Read more…’ to go to the full report.


While it was cloudy, the predicted rain held off all day, and there was just a little wind to make things interesting. Today’s play included two rounds at Yeronga (par 58), that will soon become a permanent course. The leaderboard was tight at the top after the first round, but then stretched out after the 2nd Round. Simon led the event from Tim but the real interest is the battle for 3rd, with 4 people within 2 shots.

After Day 1:

Simon Feasey            52    48    100   1st       0
Tim Marchbank           54    49    103   2nd    +3
Greg Sparksman        53    57    110    3rd    +10
Andrew Ferguson    53    59    112    =4th    +12
Paul Arden                57    55    112    =4th    +12
Russell Meehl            55    57    112    =4th    +12
Warwick M                59    60    119
Jamie K                    62    64      126
Zeek M                    69    64       133
Dan P                       74    63       137
Teja L                       73    68       141
Ben S                       70    72       142

Congrats to Dan Pommer for winning the Day 1 most improved between the 1st & 2nd round with an 11 shot improvement.
The 2nd day of the QDGO  saw the rain that was forecast for Sat, finally come during lunch after the 3rd round.
The 3d round saw the the leaders hold their position (still 3 shots difference between Simon & Tim. after they both  shot 57) and the battle for 3rd to 6th be decided.

Name              R3    Total
Andrew F       63     175
Greg S            66    176
Paul A             65    177
Russell M        66    178

Then it was down to the Final 9 – the back nine of the course in the rain. The turning point came with 4 holes to go where Simon went in trees and took a 5 to Tim’s 3 and it was all square. Three tense holes later, with opportunities for both to take a lead and it was all tied & heading for a playoff. The play-off was full of missed opportunities…

  • Simon on the 1st, after Tim went OB on his 2nd shot. – both took 4
  • & Tim on the 3rd, after Simon went into the bush & struggled for a 4.
  • both times the 5-6m putts were missed.
  • On the 4th hole, Simon made a good putt to win.

Thanks to those who came, who sponosored us, and helped out at the tourney.


Chocolate to die for (Adelaide St – City, near Anzac Square) who paid for the trophies,
Bruce McNaughton for his help during the weekend, and
my parents for being away, so I could use the car & billet some players.
Aus- NZ Team Event

An Australia vs New Zealand team event – The Cross Ditch Cup – was held during the event today.

Team Australian consisted of:

  • Tim Marchbank
  • Paul Arden
  • Andrew Ferguson

Team New Zealand consisted of:

  • Simon Feasey
  • Russell Meehl
  • Greg Sparksman (honorary – he wanted to be one)

The event consisted of 27 holes scored using either Best Team Score, Worst Team Score or Total Team Score for each hole. After 18 holes it was all tied at 102 points each, after individual scores of:

Aus – 57, 65, 63
NZ – 57, 66, 66

During the final nine, the top four players were still scoring for the individual comp, while 1 from each team, Paul & Russell, were able to play for the team.

Unfortunately Paul was reading the wrong hole scoring legend, and so on the 8th hole he read it as a B (best score counts) and as he had just seen Andrew get a 2, he went for it, thinking it wouldn’t matter and took a 6. It was actually a W (worst score counts) hole, so his score counted. However it didn’t really matter as the event was won on the two preceding holes (both T – total score holes) where Team Aus scored a 9 (3,3,3) and 12 (3,5,4) vs Team NZ’s 13 (5,4,4) and 13 (3,6,4).

So the final result was:

          1st   Final    Total
Aus:  102    53     155
NZ:    102    56     158

A perpetual trophy was awarded to the winning team and will be played for again next year.
As a format, I think it worked pretty well, and would suggest trying it at other events.

Tim Marchbank

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