Perth Disc Golf Open 2009

Perth Disc Golf Open 2009

What a weekend of disc golf!!! Good friends, good weather and great golf what more was needed. I would like to start off by thanking our sponsors Perth Surveying Services, Rockingham golf course, WAFDA, Lion Nathan   (Barefoot Raddler), IGA and Emil Isakson for donating some discs with out these people this tournament wouldn’t have gone as well as it did, so we thank you and hope to get your future support. I would also like to put a huge thank you out there to the Members of the Perth Disc Golf Club everybody in the club put  a lot of effort in on the weekend and i think it really showed with a great tournament well done guys.

The PDGC would like to thank all those who travelled from over east to play in this tournament there were 4 from Victoria and 1 from Sydney, We hope that you guys had a blast and will return in future years.

Friday turned out to be a great day even though there was a little rain about it didn’t stop the  Victorians from getting out there and seeing a bit of  Perth while they were here. After a drive through Perth and some Lunch in Fremantle it was time to hit the course so we met Chris and Martin down there to go through the holes. The highlight of this round was hole 2 on the alternate course where David Bandy Managed to squeeze a skip shot through the tight fair way to hit a hole in one but this wouldn’t be the last for the weekend.
Saturday play was great this showed some of the best disc golf i have seen in a while. The first 18 was turning out to be a hole in one contest with Christian K hitting an ace on hole 4 where O.B runs down the entire left side and also Chris Finn Hitting a ace on hole 9.  The ace pot of $100 went to Christian but only by about 20 minutes  so well done to those two guys for hitting their  first tournament aces. At the End of the first 18 the top four in Open were Chris 53, Martin 54, Corey 54 and Cameron 55 and in Advanced it was Travis on 60 but closely followed by 5 others. Kim was leading the Masters with a 57, Cassie was leading the women’s with a 75 and Alex was leading the Recreational with a 78. During lunch there was a Mini driving comp held on the nearby oval, Christian ended up beating Cameron by about 1 inch. After all the players had eaten and done what they needed to do we got back into it and played our second round of 18. While walking around i saw  some great shots from people like Kris and Andrew and some great drives from Open players Corey and Martin.  After the second round the scores had changed a few divisions with the men’s open leaders now being Martin, Chris, David, Cam and Corey.  In the Advanced it was Pete 122, Greg 123, Ben 124 and Travis 125.
Saturday night was the players party which was great fun and got everyone talking about the days highlights.  Special thanks goes out to Glen and his delicious sticky date pudding and Tiramisu, and also Alex and Cam for cooking the BBQ . There were a few more competitions during the night with the 2009 Perth Open Wii Tournament.  This was won by Stewart Adams who shot a -8 over 9 holes and won him self a carton of Barefoot Radler. There was also a Mini Putting competition held later in the night which Glen White took out winning himself a signed Dave Feldberg mini.
Sunday play was held at a new course in South Guildford along the  Swan river and it turned out to be a very nice and challenging course with a lot of O.B. The weather turned out to be very nice with little wind in the morning but would pick up by the afternoon. As it was the first time that this course had been played we were looking forward to see what type of scores would come in. In the Open Division after 18 holes the scores were David 56, Corey 58, Christian 59 and Chris 60 while in the other groups Best score in Advanced was Ben with a 63, Masters was Kim with a 63, Ladies was Cassie with a 81 and recreational was Alex with a 84.
During Lunch we had the ring of fire which was a lot of fun and had a lot of people taking home some new plastic to try out and throw.
The following round was a Final for all divisions and a semi final for the Open division.  We played through 9 holes of the course to see who would take out the trophies. Once these rounds had finished the open players took off straight away as there wasn’t much time left. The players who made it into the Open Finals were David Bandy on 190, Martin Ryland-Adair on 194, Chris Finn on 197 and Corey Bandy on 199. In the final round David seemed to loose some of the touch he had earlier in the day shooting a O.B 5 on hole 3 which allowed Martin to catch two strokes back then later on hole 6 of the play off he shot a double O.B 7 allowing Martin to shoot a 3 and go 2 strokes up on David but then on hole 17 Martin went O.B from the tee shooting a O.B 5 allowing David to shoot a 3 leaving them tied going into 18 where both players shot a 3. So with no time wasted both players went back to the 18th tee for a tie-break playoff.  David started by throwing short and down the hill leaving him a 15m putt uphill, then Martin had his throw from the tee and shot long left going O.B then shot a re-tee and landing close to the basket.  David laid up his next shot close to the basket and Martin had his shot getting it in for a 4 then David holed out with a 3, giving Dave his first-ever Perth Mens Open Crown, and earning the right to have his name engraved on the Perpetual Shield alongside previous Mens Open champions Corey Bandy (2007) and Emil Isaksson (2008).
So the top 4 open players were:

  • David Bandy – 222 ($500)
  • Martin Ryland-Adare – 222 ($300)
  • Chris Finn – 229 ($200) tied but played off for money
  • Corey Bandy – 229 ($100)

 Congratulations to all the players who won their respective divisions, those players were as follows:

  • David Bandy – Open (222)
  • Ben Ayres – Advanced (217)
  • Kim Holmes – Masters (206)
  • Cassie Anderson – Women’s (275)
  • Alex Fielding – Recreational (289)

Special congratulations to our Junior competitor Fred on his first tournament and for playing very well all weekend.
Once again i would just like to thank all our sponsors because with out you this tournament couldn’t have been such a success so thanks to: 

  • Perth Surveying Services
  • Rockingham Golf course
  • W.A.F.D.A
  • Lion Nathan
  • IGA
  • and Emil Isaksson  (Emil PT)

Thanks again and we hope to see you all next year!
Photos will be posted on the web site as soon as we get them all in.
Perth Disc Golf Club


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