ADG Goes to Taiwan

On February 5th three members of the ADG Paul Arden, David Bandy and Chris Finn landed in taiwan to compete in the 2009 Asia Disc Golf Championships.
There was a large field of 75 competitors including international players from America, Japan, Korea and Sweden. Included in this group was the world number 1 David Feldberg and the two top players from Japan Manabo and G. This tournament was also new to the players not only course wise but also in the restriction in the discs they could use. In Asia players are only allowed to use 150g discs were anywhere else in the world you are allowed to use discs up to 180g so this added a challenge to the ADG guys.
Please click ‘Read more…’ for the full story.

On February 5th three members of the ADG Paul Arden, David Bandy and
Chris Finn landed in taiwan to compete in the 2009 Asia Disc Golf
There was a large field of 75 competitors including international
players from America, Japan, Korea and Sweden. Included in this group
was the world number 1 David Feldberg and the two top players from
Japan Manabo and G. This tournament was also new to the players not
only course wise but also in the restriction in the discs they could
use. In Asia players are only allowed to use 150g discs were anywhere
else in the world you are allowed to use discs up to 180g so this added
a challenge to the ADG guys.

The weekend started of with practice day on Friday where the players
were able to check out the course and plan out what would be the best
way to challenge the holes, as there was allot of O.B(out of bounds) to
contend with. This was a great day for Paul, David and Chris as they
got to play 18 holes with the world champion of disc golf and learn a
few things about putting and driving. Saturday was the first day of
competition the layout for Saturday was one round of 18 holes followed
by lunch then another round of 18 holes. On the first round of Saturday
play David shot a 60 Paul shot a 65 and chris shot a 69 . Once the
players had finished there first round they gathered together to enjoy
lunch and tell each other how there round played out. On the second
round of 18 the wind had picked up a fair bit compared to the rainy and
still conditions from the morning and Chris came in with a score of 62
which was 7 shots better than his previous round, Paul beat his first
round score by one throw with a 64 and David came in with a 66 as he
battled with the windy conditions.

Saturday night was the players dinner and was enjoyed by all this gave
the players a chance to mix with players from all around the globe as
the sat over the hot pot and cooked there seafood and other traditional
taiwanese foods.

Sunday morning started much the same as the previous day with wet and
still conditions, The tee pads were very slippery but soon dried out a
couple holes into the first round. Sunday play was set out to be 18
holes followed by lunch then a 9 holes semi final followed by a 9 hole
final. Sunday morning turned out to be the best round for David Paul
and Chris both shooting there PB’s for the course, David came in with a
59, Paul shot a 61 and Chris shot a 61 this being enough to get them
through to the semi finals. During lunch David, Paul and Chris were
lucky enough to see a putting demo put on by Dave Feldberg were they
learnt some helpful tips. After the putting demo and lunch the players
set out to play in the semi finals, with the top 4 players having a
large gap on the rest of the field it was out of reach for the players
so David,Paul and Chris set out to work there way up the leader board
as far as possible. The wind during the final 9 holes was like no wind
that they had played in before so it was a good challenge for the
players as they set of. After the 9 hole semi David came in with a
score of 30 which was only 3 shots of the best score for that round and
Chris came in with a 37 and Paul shot a 40 this would leave David tied
for 8 position with Sweden’s Eric Altoray and Chris finished in 21st
and Paul one throw behind in 22nd.
David, Chris and Paul would like to thank Kuan(Tournament Director) for
everything her organised for them from accommodation, food and travel.
They would also like to thank David Feldberg for all the tips he shared
with them over the weekend. All players recommend this tournament to
anyone thinking of attending in 2011.

If you would like to see the results or hole by hole scores please visit this site .

Kuan Chen has also posted photos from the event here and here.


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