ADGTour Points Standings – September Update

Only one event to go now, your last chance to win tour points will be the first day of the ADGC in October, after Day 1 points will be recalculated. For the Men’s Open players the best four players who are attending the ADGC will be selected after the final points are in and the player in this group who scores the best 3rd Round of the ADGC will win the title of ADGTour Champion. For now, here is the latest points table. Please let me know if you feel there are any errors. If you don’t see you name, please make sure your ADG membership is current.

Firstname Lastname ADG Division SSS PDGO THDGO VDGO SDGO PSF ADGC Total Best 4 Played
All Divisions
Martin Ryland-Adair 32 MO 96 100 90 100 88 474 386 5
Luke Williams 13 MO 100 93 84 76 354 354 4
Christopher Finn 50 MO 90 72 79 81 83 405 333 5
David Bandy 10 MO 100 100 100 300 300 3
Harvey Yarnall 3 MO 86 69 155 155 2
Jarrath Sweetten 23 MO 73 32 106 106 2
Richard Sampson 5 MO 79 79 79 1
Jason Howe 31 MO 48 48 48 1
Greg Bowers 46 MA 58 58 64 179 179 3
Ben Ayres 26 MA 73 37 62 173 173 3
Jason McFarlane 20 MA 22 43 22 58 145 145 4
Tim Bickerstaff 52 MA 51 51 51 1
Tim Kiddle 51 MA 17 17 17 1
Kris Kohout 29 MR 54 42 96 96 2
Greg Sparksman 19 MM 86 45 72 203 203 3
Sally Hill 38 FA 100 100 100 1


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