Dear All,
It has been decided to hold the inaugural AGM for Australian Disc Golf (ADG) on Saturday April 29th 2006 during the Disc Golf part of the Australian Flying Disc Championships being hosted by Maquarie Uni in Sydney from April 27th to 30th. The exact venue & time of the meeting will be confirmed later.
Australian Disc Golf (ADG) is the name of the nationally recoginsed body for Disc Golf in Australia. ADG exists as a sub-committee of the AFDA, responsible for the promotion, management and development of Disc Golf, and individual disc sports around the country.
Our efforts to date have been fractured, both due to the struggles with distance, the lack of resources, people & financial, and personalities that have stretched disc golf to near breaking point, and yet there is hope, interest, as keen passionate volunteers willing to organise events and mobilise players into action.
For those who are interested in being a part of the combined future, please feel free to email me directly, or look out for further emails regarding this subject, detailing positions and other information about the the group and its planned activities.
Tim Marchbank