All posts by arden

Australian Disc Golf Championships Wrap Up

The Australian Disc Golf Championships for 2010 have drawn to a close, we’d like to thank everyone who participated and helped to organise this great event. To read all about how things unfolded over the weekend checkout the tournament write up here on the PDGA website:

Australia’s Champion (PDGA Website)

ADGC 2010 Results

We’d also like to encourage anyone who didn’t get a chance to purchase some of the great fundraiser discs to do so, they are still available but supplies are limited. We also have limited edition Asia Open 2011 discs available, by purchasing these discs you will be helping to send a player to Taiwan in 2011 for the Asia Open. Please see below for details of the available discs (please enquire by email regarding the Asia Open discs). You can email your orders to

Next year the Australian Disc Golf Championships 2011 will be coming to Hobart Tasmania. We hope that you will all come to Hobart next year to help celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Poimena Reserve Disc Golf Course. If you want to get a preview of the terrain and start you training come on down to the Two Heads Disc Golf Open on 29th-30th January 2011. Anyone who is willing to assist with planning and organising of the ADGC 2011 please contact the event organisers are preperations are already underway for this great event and we would like call for any and all volunteers who are willing to lend a hand.

Until next year, we hope that you will help make the ADGTour 2011 the best ever by helping to organise and attend our tour events. Let’s make 2011 the biggest year of Disc Golf Australia has ever seen!