All posts by arden

ADGTour A-Tier Schedule Update

Ok, here is the latest and greatest A-Tier Tour Schedule update. All events have now been assigned and of course as you would be aware two events have already been completed.

Note: Please note that the National Championships in Sydney in October has not yet had its dates finalised. So please do not make any travel arrangements for that event at this time. For all other events, dates have been finalised and approved, so make plans to attend. Here is the schedule…

Date Event Name State TD
Sunday 25th February Sparks Summers Sizzler ACT Greg Sparksman
Saturday 10th March
Sunday 11th March
Perth Open WA Chris Himing
Saturday 12th May
Sunday 13th May
South Australia Disc Golf Open SA Kevin Robinson
Paul Arden
Sunday 3rd June Sydney Disc Golf Open NSW Kurt Karlsson
Albert Munoz
Saturday 28th July
Sunday 29th July
Garden State Open VIC Stuart Jones
Saturday 18th August
Sunday 19th August
Queensland Disc Golf Open QLD Tim Marchbank
Saturday 27th October
Sunday 28th October
National Championships NSW Kurt Karlsson
Albert Munoz

ADGTour Blog


Tour, Tour Tour! To keep everyone updated on tour related news. We have a separate tour section on our website. Please click here, the logo to the right or the ADGTour Blog menu item on the left or even the ADGTour Banner to get the latest up to date tour information. In particular, if you want to make plans to attend up and coming A-Tier events, please be sure to read the ADGTour Blog.