After much work, we are proud to announce the formation of the Australian National Disc Golf Tour, officially known as ADGTour. Working with Tournament Directors around the country, we have assembled a program of 7 high profile A-Tier tour events and are opening up the program for regional Tournament Directors to create many B-Tier and C-Tier events during the year to allow players to accumulate points locally. The full A-Tier schedule is given below this announcement (click the ‘Read more..’ link).
ADG Members competing in ADGTour events will receive tour points allocated based on their placing in tour events. Members will be able to follow their progress and ranking relative to other competitors on the ADGTour website. Larger A-Tier events provide the opportunity to collect increased points, while B/C-Tier regional events allow players to play for points more often in a local setting.
The inaugural tour event will be Greg Sparksman’s, Sparks Summers Sizzler, held at Eddison Park, ACT on Sunday 25th February, so start making plans to get in and get your points. Andrew Dowdy has organised one of his fantastic Par-3 Tournaments for Saturday for those who want a good chance to warm up and have some great fun going for some Aces. It is all shaping up to make a fantastic start to the tour year.
The tour will conclude in October at the National Championships to be held in Sydney, where the ADGTour Champion will be declared and winners for each division will be announced. The National Championships will include an additional final round format played among the top tour players to determine the final winner. For those not lucky enough to make it into this final round, it will definitely one to watch closely.
We are furiously working away to get the ADG Membership packages setup and available so that players can join ADG and start their Australian Tour careers. ADG representatives will be present and available at all A-Tier tour events and we welcome your feedback as well as any questions you might have relating to ADGTour 2007. Please take the time to talk to us about your thoughts on the state of Disc Golf in Australia and what you, as players, really want to see happening.
Essential reading for all ADGTour Tournament Directors and interested players are the ADGTour Guidelines. These are available online, immediately, via the following link:
This document is intended primarily for Tournament Directors however it also contains useful information for players, including details of how the tour points are calculated for each event. Any questions regarding this document, or requests for event sanctioning, should be sent to the ADG Director of Competitions.
Happy ADGTour’ing…
Paul Arden
Director of Competitions
PDGA Country Coordinator
Australian Disc Golf