All posts by arden

News, News and More News

Well, there has been a lot going on in the last couple of months and not enough time to post it all. So, here is it is in one big post. If you have important news you feel has been left out, please let me know. Be sure to read all the way to the bottom of the post for a special Blooper Video.

2006 Garden State Open

Only a short time to go before things start heating up again for the 2006 GSO. Be sure to register early. You can get more detail on the event from the official tournement website and in our events section. Don’t miss out on one of the great tournements of the year.

PDGA Country Coordinator

The ADG is pleased to announce that Australia is once again part of the PDGA Affiliated Country program. Paul Arden has been appointed the PDGA Country Coordinator for Australia and is now in regular contact with PDGA representatives. All previous player rating related issues with the PDGA and Australian players have now been resolved, so if you want to see how you compare to other players around the world, be sure sure to join or renew your membership today. For information on Affiliated Country Membership Discounts, please contact Paul Arden.

Chain Mail Inagural Edition

Tim Marchbank has put together the first edition of the Chain Mail Newsletter. This quarterly newsletter from the ADG will include various topics on coming issues and welcomes submissions from willing authors. See contact details in this issue for information on how to submit a story.

    Download Chain Main Edition #001

Sydney Disc Golf Club

The Sydney Disc Golf Club (SDGC) was formed on the 2nd June, 2006. This local Disc Golf club already has several initiatives planed, including pilot events for new courses and continuous local tournements (MADD MACQ’s). So we can all look forward to further increased activity in the already very active Sydney Disc Golf scene.

Blooper Reel

Be sure to check out this nice blooper video submitted by Tim Marchbank. We all know who the player shown is, but we won’t name names here. All we can say is, Nice Follow Through. Click the thumbnail to watch the short clip. If you have your own Blooper Videos you would like to share, please send them to Paul Arden.