All posts by arden

ADGTour Tourment Directors Guide Now Available

Attention all ADGTour Tournament Directors, please download the latest ADGTour Tournament Directors Guide, including the ADGTour Guidelines, a great document on how to run a successful event as well as other example documents, logos and useful information. You can download the guide here:

ADGTour TD Guide (20110422) 

If you are hosting an ADGTour event, whether its an A-Tier, B/C-Tier you should review the information in this guide. If you have any questions or comment please feel free to contact the Director of Competitions at

ADGTour Says Goodbye to 2010 and Hello to 2011

The ADGTour 2010 is now behind us, and what a year it was. Seven great A-Tier tournaments with our biggest Australian Disc Golf Championships ever and the worlds best players tearing up our courses. We have grown enormously this past year with all divisions filling out significantly with players. For those that missed the postings on the ADGC site sometime ago, we realised that we had not put the final ADGTour 2010 Points Standings up here, so here they are:

ADGTour 2010 Final Points Standings[PDF]

The top three players in each division have received a trophy and complementary ADG/PDGA membership renewal for 2011. We would like to thank everyone who participated and helped to make ADGTour 2010 the best tour your so far (until 2011 of course!). As we start the ADGTour 2011 we need to do a little house keeping.

Tour Kickoff

The 2011 ADGTour gets underway this month in Hobart, TAS with the Two Heads Disc Golf Open on the 29th-30th January. If you haven’t yet registered for this great event please click on the link and sign up. Note that this will also be the venue for this years Australian Disc Golf Championships, so if you want an opportunity to do some early recon of the course in a competition setting get on down there.

Tour Calendar

The official ADGTour 2011 tour calendar is now online here. Please check back regularly since while the A-Tier events are all locked in we will be adding B-Tier and C-Tier events run by local clubs on a regular basis. If you are a TD and wish to submit your event for ADGTour B/C-Tier sanctioning please contact

PDGA Sanctioning

ADG has obtained the rights to sanction 8 additional events this year with the PDGA and these will be made available to B-Tier event organisers in each state on the following basis, 2 events for NSW, 2 for WA, 2 for VIC, 1 for QLD and 1 for TAS. This distribution was chosen based on the current amount of league and club activity in those states.

Note that you should consider which events to apply this to carefully since ideally they should be local events with larger numbers of players and players who are interested in PDGA ratings. If you are organising or plan to organise such a B-Tier event in your state and wish to have it PDGA sanctioned (so it can count towards players ratings, then please contact

Your ADG Division

All ADG members have been sent an email asking that they confirm their division for the ADGTour 2011 year. Please note that this very important since this year the division you select at the start of the tour year will be yours for the entire year and you will not be able to change it. As such, please check your division here and notify us if you wish to be moved to a different division. 

This is of special importance this year as we are introducing a divisional points system as has been requested by many competitors. In particular I note that while we had seen strong interest in the creation of the Grand Masters Division (which is now in effect) only one member has responded to this message requesting a change to that division. So please all players check your divisions now.

Some Exciting Changes

ADGTour 2011 brings with it some new changes to ADGTour structure, including: 

  • New Grandmasters Division for players 50 and over
  • Divisional Points System (Details to be Confirmed)
  • PDGA Sanctioning of Eight ADG B-Tier Local Level Events
  • Continuing Tour Prizes of Trophies and Memberships

These are just some of the key initiatives being undertaken by ADG to help improve the ADGTour. We hope to introduce more during the year and continue planning for 2012. We are always open to suggestions and ideas and while we might not be able to incorporate all of them we do always listen closely to what our players are saying.

Special Note to Tournament Directors

For those of you running tournaments, note that we are still putting the finishing touches on the official TD Guide for 2011, however if you wish to have a preliminary copy of these documents please contact

Go and Throw!

The most important element of the ADGTour is you. The more people who get out there and throw the better the tour will become. The more that put up their hands to take on the effort of organising events and helping getting things of the ground, the more people will see the results and be motivated to hold even bigger better events. Thats a lot of text up there to read with some important information, but the most important thing is to go and throw, or none of it matters, so pick up a disc and get our there!

Paul Arden

Director of Competitions
PDGA Country Coordinator

Australian Disc Golf