All posts by Emilie Cameron

ADG AGM 2021

The ADG AGM will be held online on Thurs 9th Dec at 8pm AEDT.

You can join the meeting on zoom at

Meeting ID: 878 9200 8362; Password: 318479

The agenda and reports can be found here

The AGM is a great opportunity to ask questions of the board, provide feedback and discuss what disc golf in Australia should look like in 2022.

Nominations for board positions are due by 5pm Thursday 11th November to .

AGM and Annual report

The Annual General Meeting of Australian Disc Golf (inc) will be held on

Tuesday 24th Nov, 8pm AEDT.

This year the meeting will be held online via zoom. You can join the meeting using the linkĀ

Find more information at

The annual report detailing ADG board decisions and events for 2020 can be downloaded below