Players Code Of Conduct

The tournament hosting committee take pride in the quality of its players, host facilities and broad community involvement at each tournament.  In order to continue making tournaments enjoyable for everyone we require all players to adhere to a set of guidelines known as the Code of Conduct.  Its purpose is to create a safe environment for players and to instil a sense of professionalism that will project a positive image of our sport to the broader community and to potential sponsors.  The Code of Conduct is to be followed throughout the participant's stay at the tournament.

Personal Conduct

Health And Safety

Cheating is defined as a wilful attempt to circumvent the rules of play.  All tournaments use the latest edition of the P.D.G.A. rulebook.  It is the player's responsibility to know the rules of play. 

Drug and Alcohol Usage
As stated in the Personal Conduct above, use of drugs and/or alcohol during a stipulated round is prohibited.  Players may responsibly consume alcohol prior to or upon completion of their round(s) for the particular day.  However, abuse of alcohol after play and on course property is considered professional misconduct and is subject to disciplinary action at the discretion of the Tournament Director.

Dress Code
At the discretion of the event organiser.  

Violations of the Code of Conduct
If a violation occurs prior to or during an event, the individual must immediately comply with the code. This must be done without undue delay and the code must thereafter be maintained.  The Tournament Director may assess a penalty depending on the severity of the violation.


Here is an excerpt of rule 804.05 the P.D.G.A. rulebook:

A. A player shall be disqualified by the director for meeting any of the necessary conditions of disqualification as set forth in the rules, or for any of the following:
(1) Unsportsmanlike conduct, such as; loud cursing, throwing things in anger (other than discs in play), or overt rudeness to anyone present
(2) Willful and overt destruction or abuse of plant life, course hardware, or any other property considered part of the disc golf course or the park.
(3) Cheating: a willful attempt to circumvent the rules of play.
(4) Activities which are in violation of the law or park regulation or disc golf course rule, including the illegal consumption of drugs or alcohol. Directors are granted the discretion to disqualify a player based on the severity of the offending conduct. An official warning of disqualification may be issued by a director where appropriate.

B. Disqualified players shall forfeit any prize money and shall not receive a refund of entry fees.

C. A player in violation of any section under 804.05 A is also subject to suspension from the PDGA Tour. Suspension from the PDGA Tour may only be assigned by the PDGA Commissioner. A player may appeal his or her suspension to the PDGA Board of Directors. The determination to suspend, and the length of the suspension, shall be based on the severity of the action and the extent to which the player may have committed repeated violations.