Guerilla Disc Golf 001

Victoria finally got to use the M-14 baskets this weekend to hold the first of what will hopefully be many Guerilla Disc Golf events. The course setup went fairly smoothly and we were able to get started a little after 11am once everyone had arrived. There was a reasonable turnout for the first round with 9 people setting off on hole 1 in two groups and two players joining at hole 12 to sample the course.

The hot sun and elevation changes in the course clearly took their toll on some players and for the second round the group shrunk to just four players. The first round took much longer than anticipated, so in the end the event lasted most of the day for those who played both rounds and stayed around to help pack up the course. Hopefully we can further streamline future Guerilla events.

Newcomers Andrew Boylett and Simon McNicol played in their first event. Andrew got a quick tutorial from Kiwi before heading out and he quickly started to pick up the subtleties of the game. It’s not often you see a first timer throwing side-arm and hammer throws, but Andrew managed to pull off some very impressive shots, including sinking a putt which passed through two trees before making the basket for par.

The tight hole 13 saw the two best shots of the day with Dan Hartley sinking a putt (if you can call it a putt) from about 35m out for a deuce and Simon McNicol parking his shot from 60m metres for an easy birdie. The new course layout played fairly well and we expect to make some minor modifications for future events, however in general, everyone seemed fairly pleased with the new course.

In the end, Ian Bycroft took out top place by 12 strokes for men’s and Kathrin Centler took uncontested top place in the women’s. Ian and Kathrin take away $20 and $10 respectively to spend at Sydney Flying Discs. Tim Baker shot the most improved second round and gets a bag of M&M’s for his trouble.

Thanks to all who helped make the first Guerilla Disc Golf a success.

Paul Arden

Results Guerilla Disc Golf 001
Sunday 15th January 2006

First Name Last Name Gender Round 1 Round 2 Total Place
Ian Bycroft M 63 65 128 1
Paul Arden  M  69 71 140 2
Tim Baker M 72 71 143 3
Kathrin Centler F 75 86 161 4
Dan Hartley  M 66 DNS – 
Steve Cunningham  M 67 DNS
Andrew Boylett M 89 DNS
Simon McNicol  M 89 DNS
Bridget Jarrett F DNF DNS
Ian White M DNF DNS
Carol Tsang F DNF DNS

xlsComplete Results Breakdown

Next Event: Guerilla Disc Golf 002, Sunday 12th March 2006

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