By Emilie Cameron

It was 10 years ago today that our Jesmond course went in the ground. In 2010, freshly returned from the USA with a practice basket and large box of discs, JJ and Em went searching for a good location for a course. Working with the local council we looked at parks across the area settling on Jesmond Park. Object golf had long been played in Jesmond park by ultimate players so it was a natural place for the first proper disc golf course in the area. Using temp baskets the course layout was discussed, tested, redesigned and tested again. With a grant from the council and money from AFDA and ADG we purchased baskets and supplies.

Then on May 21st 2011 Neil, JJ and Em with help from Adam, Peter, Candice and Bob did the hard work of digging and installing it all.The course has had a few changes over the years. Bricks marked the tee signs until proper tee signs and a course map were added in 2012.

Gold and Black tees were added for tournaments and tweaks were made when random fences appeared around trees. Bigger changes are coming with a freeway due to be built through the park. Though we have been saying this since 2016.