Sydney Disc Golf is proud to announce the opening of it’s second Public Disc Golf Course based in North Ryde Common! We have been working on this project for a few months now and are very happy to have it available towards the end of June! We will be using this course for social days and weekly doubles events. It will have 9 permanent baskets with 18 tee pads, and signage for each hole. It’s a nice quiet park that doesn’t get much use that will test your skills with lines navigating around trees. City of Ryde council have helped set this up and we can’t thank them enough. We will be having a social day on (link below) which will be used to fundraise for the new course, so please try and come down for the day and let’s try and make this our biggest Social Day ever! Here is the GoFundMe link: https://gofund.me/48bba555 Your donation will count as the entry fee so please give generously, and there are still 7 more holes that we need to fill to be sponsored. There is also more information in the GoFundMe!