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đź“· Kingsley Flett

Playing Division: FP40 / FPO
Predominant Throw: Right Hand Back Hand

Q: How long have you been playing and how did you get introduced to the sport?
A: I’ve been playing for 7 years and got introduced to disc golf by my husband Ken, who also introduce me to ultimate a few years prior.

Q: What are your strengths as a player?
A: I learn and adapt to new skills and techniques quickly and am prepared to work hard to improve my game. My game improvement has been erratic due to a busy work-study-volunteering-life schedule over recent years, but it’s meant I’ve learned to work with the time I have, and find ways to maximise the training I do.

 Q: What is your best or favourite competition result to date?
A: I threw a 891-rated round at the Fantasy Park Open in February – my highest rated round yet – which was an encouraging result, and reflected the work I’ve put into my game.

Q: What are your disc golfing ambitions and plans for the next two or three years?
A: I’d like to improve my rating to 850 within the next year and set my sights on 900 in two or three. Being competitive in an international women’s masters competition would be cool – I would be rapt to find myself on a card with Des Reading or Juliana Korver one day. I’d also like to keep contributing to the growth of women’s disc golf, and improve the sport’s inclusivity for more people in the community.  

Q: Can you share a practice tip or something you learned that substantially helped you improve your play.  
A: Listen and learn from others, but also remember no-one know you like you. Take advice from a range of coaches and guides and use what works for you.

 Q: What top pro player do you look up to and why? 
A: Kristin Tattar. I first noticed her career while preparing for the World Team Disc Golf Championships in Estonia in 2019. I admire her for just being amazing by what she does and the way she plays her game: she’s a humble, quiet achiever.
Q: What is your favourite disc in your bag right now and what do you use it for?
A: I just started throwing my newly acquired Latitude 64 Royal Grand Grace with the Kristin Tattar stamp. I’m using it to get distance and a fairly reliable fade, which may change a little as I beat it in. However I love its glide and am keen to get some more Graces for my bag. Prior to recent throwing sessions I would have chosen my RPM Cosmic Pekapeka for similar reasons. Some love for our local manufacturer too: the Fourth Circle Discs mid-range Dingo is my go-to tailwind upshot disc.

Thanks Sue, we’re stoked to have you on Team Australia!

đź“· Kingsley Flett


đź“· Kingsley Flett

Playing Division: MPO

Current Rating: 986

Sponsor: Kastaplast

Predominant throw: Right Hand Backhand

Q: What are your strengths as a player?

A: My backhand drive is my strength. I can throw 130m with good control in most weather conditions which allows me plenty of chances to make birdies.

Q: What is your best or favourite competition result to date?

A: My first and highest rated tournament was the 2012 Jesmond Jam when I shot a 1012 rated tournament to take out the MPO division by 4 shots. My favorite and most recent tournament was again the Jesmond Jam. This time after throwing Kastaplast for only 3 weeks I was able to beat a good friend and fierce competitor Jonathan “JJ” Jonas in a play off to win in a nail-biting finish.

đź“· Kingsley Flett

Q: What are your disc golfing ambitions and plans for the next two or three years?

A: My biggest goal is to win the Australian Disc Golf Championships. I figure my best chance is to do this in the next few years as the number of disc golfers and talent in Australia seems to be exploding! Having a player rating of 1000 would also be pretty cool.

Q: Can you share a top form tip or something that substantially helped you improve your play.

A: Form is not a big focus of mine. I think its far more important to just get out and throw bucket loads. If you throw hard in the field and practice plenty of putts, then whatever form you develop, you will gain confidence with it and will be able to execute your shots in tournaments.

đź“· David Hill

Q: What top pro player do you look up to and why?

A: I am definitely team McBeth. He has the full range of shots and always plays his best in the critical moments. Looking forward to watching Paul win his 6th World Championships very shortly!

Q: What is your favorite disc in your bag right now and what do you use it for?

A: The Rask for sure! It’s a stable 14 speed distance driver that even comes with a bonus inner rim. It cuts through the air like nothing else and gives me the confidence to rip it down even the narrowest of fairways.

Cheers Chilly – Can’t wait to see you tear it up in Croatia!

đź“· Lisa Wallis

đź–‹ David Kynaston

New TD Mentoring Graduate – Jordan Wheeler

Australian Disc Golf would like to welcome another accredited tournament director into its ranks. Jordy Wheeler is the third TD to mentored by Kris Kohout, who has a clear lead on our TD mentoring league table which can be found here among other information about the program.

Anybody who thinks they can handle the fame and glory of being either a TD mentor or ADG accredited TD, email and we’ll make it happen.