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Carn Straya

SARS-CoV-2 just didn’t know who it was messing with when it crossed us in 2020. In the face of having to cancel the ADG tour and our Australian Championships, the Aussie Disc Golf community came together in an unprecedented way, connected with each other across the country and dragged a whole new bunch of players into the game – our numbers grew by more than 35% that year.

As ADG 006 Albert Munoz could tell you, robustness is the ability to withstand the storm, resilience the ability to get up off the canvas and anti-fragility is how you turn tough times to your advantage. As far as that goes, Aussie Disc Golf is the Chuck Norris of sporting tribes – we made Covid sick.

In 2021 we are asking you to do it all again. Recent developments have made the sideshow the big show once more. Small events will be popping up all over the country. Events you won’t have to travel very far to. Events that can be popped down again at minimal cost should local health orders require it.

Living somewhere where the odds of restrictions lifting by November are slim? We’ve got you covered with a nationwide putting competition, that’ll be running parallel with the event – so you can even be part of the Aussie Disc Golf Day from your backyard.

Get on to your local club to organize an event. Contact
if you want to register one.

to place an order for the once off Fourth Circle Discs Hunstsman Zero1 disc. Disc orders are closing at the end of the month so get in quick. These will be a collector’s item.

Carn Straya. Let’s show everyone, new disc golfers, old disc golfers, local government, potential sponsors and the media, what a robust and dynamic sporting movement we are. Nothing can stop us.

More details on the event, including the putting competition, coming soon.

Player Profile – Iain Smith

To kick off our ‘local legend’ series of player profiles we feature a player who left this world too early; but who’s love for the sport, spirit and generosity left lasting memories with those who knew him. 

Iain Smith was a friend to many in Tassie disc golf but also across Australia. He started playing in 2014; developing his game on the steep hills of the world-renowned Poimena Reserve. Within a year of playing seriously he won the MA1 division in the Australian Championships on his home course. He followed this up with a further four-from-four MA1 wins over 2016 and 2017 including twice in the Two Heads Open.   

He was known as a naturally talented player who practiced hard and quickly mastered the technical side of the game.  His form was smooth, and he specialised in controlling mid-ranges and fairway drivers on shots where many others would use faster discs. He also worked hard to develop an excellent putting stroke, somewhat reminiscent of his hero Paul McBeth. 

Of the man himself, one of his disc golf mates said:   

Iain was a really lovely guy who was easy to get along with. He made everyone around him feel welcome and comfortable. On the course he was certainly focused on his game, but he was also really encouraging of those around him and maintained a positive mindset. 

Steven Wright

Iain’s legacy and allegiance to disc golf is celebrated each year in a memorial event in his name held at Poimena. 

Many thanks and credit for input, quotes and images to: Ollie Mundy-Castle, Damien Williams, Steven Wright, Chris Wright, Richard Sampson, Kingsley Flett

Connor Donnelly – our latest TD mentoring graduate

Connor Donnelly receives his TD mentoring certificate from Ken Summers

We should all be able to answer this question – what does Disc Golf have to give? Check out our ‘why disc golf’ document if you need a few ideas because ‘disc golf’s great! It’s awesome! Everyone should play it!’ is not enough.

One way our sport can give is by developing its people. In future, given enough time and resources, we’ll have structured pathways (like coaching programs) that people can follow to acquire skills. Skills that don’t just increase their impact in Disc Golf, but that are transferrable to other aspects of their lives and careers.

The gradual building process has begun with the TD mentoring program. A way for experienced TD’s to guide new candidates into developing the confidence and skills they need to run an event. Also a way for us to formally recognize those skills so they’ll look good on anyone’s resume.

As far as developing Connor Donnelly as a person goes, there wasn’t much work required. He arrived as an impressive young man. You can see an interview of him here. After being mentored by ADG Vice President Ken Summers during the The Mundilorian at Mundaring Disc Golf Club in May, Connor, at 18, became the youngest person to graduate from our mentoring process. Connor will be directing his maiden event, solo, later this year where we believe he’ll become the youngest TD in Australia. Connor also serves on the Mundaring Disc Golf Club executive as a secretary.

Congratulations to Connor, Ken and the Mundaring Disc Golf Club for recognizing that not all the talent that needs nurturing in our sport involves throwing frisbees.