By Dave Kynaston
PDGA #130941
Current Rating: 956
Playing Division: MPO
Predominant throw: Right hand back hand
Hyzerflight and Aus Discs
The future is bright for this remarkable young player. Blake is 15 years old and has been playing for just two years. He’s a state level athlete in discus and javelin and when he’s not competing or training (or at school) he’s clocking up countless hours on the disc golf course or local oval. He is a natural talent for sure, but he’s also worked hard to progress his game and is already firmly amongst the top flight of WA’s MPO division.
Here’s some numbers: In 2021 Blake has competed (in MPO) in five tournaments and has taken second places four times, and just last weekend a third place at Pine Lines in the A-tier Perth Open. He’s thrown two 1,000+ rated rounds in competition and his current rating is 956. He drives 450 feet without breaking sweat and his form, arm speed and shot shaping are truly impressive.
If he can get to this level in his first two years, where can he go in the next few??
Let’s hear from Blake. @blakeh1306
Q: What are your strengths as a player?
A: Distance Drives and touchy upshots
Q: What is your best or favourite competition result to date?
A: Probably the Red Tail Open 2021 where I shot a 9 under 1017 rated round on the blue layout at Mundaring and finished second place in MPO.
Q: What are your disc golfing ambitions and plans for the next two or three years?
A: I’d love to keep improving my game and to play the ADG Aussie tour events when possible and play Am Worlds or Junior Worlds when international travel returns.
Q: Can you share a top form tip or something that substantially helped you improve your play?
A: I believe lots of field work and getting to know how your discs fly on an open oval will add touch and control to your game. Practicing your putting and driving technique is also key for developing a smooth comfortable routine.
Q: What top pro player do you look up to and why?
A: My favourite pro is Eagle McMahon. We have similar game aspects such as big distance and playing aggressively to gain strokes. I love how he leaves the Jomez Pro commentators speechless from throwing ridiculous shots. Eagle is definitely my top pick for the world title this year.
Q: What is your favourite disc in your bag right now and what do you use it for?
A: I love my Discraft Brodie Smith Crystal Zflx Zone. It’s a gummy stable approach disc that sticks and I can shape any shot with this disc. The Zone is probably the most thrown disc in my bag.
Thanks Blake