In sharing the announcement below from the Perth Disc Golf Club, the ADG board extends its condolences to the Hancock Family in the recent passing of Sam Hancock. Many disc golfers may not appreciate the legacy left by the Hancock Family in disc sports overall. Not just through their son Rob, but in the way they nurtured a generation of young frisbee players who have gone on to impact flying disc sports in Australia over four decades. That legacy extends beyond a love of flying disc sports to a spirit of respectful and fair competition, generosity, and inclusiveness that we hope will always signify our game.

Perth Disc Golf Club
Today it is with sadness that we announce the passing of Mr Sam Hancock, father of Rob Hancock. If our sport of Flying Disc had a number one ticket holder it would certainly have been Sam.
Since Rob’s passing in the early eighties Sam and his family have continued to actively support the sport and its players. He proudly attended the Rob Hancock Memorial Golf Tournament every year and presented the winner with their trophy.
Sam would always greet you with a big smile and a friendly handshake from which there was no escape until he found how you were and what you were doing.
Born in 1921, Sam would been 99 this November.
– Orphaned childhood
– 71 years of marriage
– 5 beautiful children
– Pilates at 96
– Tennis until 97
– Driving until 98
He was a truly remarkable man who touched many lives and will be sadly missed. To his family we offer our love and support in this difficult time and to Sam we say thank you and celebrate a life well lived.
Kim Holmes

“It always struck me what an influence Sam and Margaret were on Rob Hancock. I could see a lot of Rob in both of his parents: they were very social people and had a lot of conscience about giving to the community. They were people’s people and always looking out for others. They were very hospitable – the house in East Vic park was basically an open house. You could turn up on short notice and be given a bed and something to eat – similarly Rob was welcoming to people in the frisbee community.
Sam had the competitive spirit in spades – still playing tennis in his 90’s. Competition was always friendly and never had an edge to it. He had a very well-rounded competitive attitude. That influenced Rob as well which in turn had a lot to do with the spirit of the early WA flying disc community.“
Kris Kohout

“Sam was our link to the beginning of the sport in those days. Without any of the older guys around in 2008 besides Kim, the Rob Hancock memorial was almost unconsciously added to the calendar. When we reached out to Sam and Margaret to it felt like we’d made a connection to our past. Every year that Sam came to the tournament newer players would come up and say ‘is that Sam Hancock?’ and they made the connection to Rob’s legacy too. He also found a quiet moment to palm off a $100 bill ‘for the club’ and he’d say ‘keep doing what you are doing’.“
Chris Himing
“A sad day. I first met Mr.Hancock (Sam) while traveling to Perth as a 15 year old with his school teacher son Rob. Rob would drive a few of us Newton Moore SHS students to Perth on weekends just to play frisbee. We would all stay at the Hancock’s family house in Victoria Park. Never a nicer family we could have asked to meet and welcome us into their home.
Rob was taken from us way too early but Sam and his family still continued to be there for us all these years later.
Sam you were a true gentleman, and I am proud to say you and your family were a big part of my life. Rest in Peace Sam. We will never forget.”
Chris Finn

“Looking at the old photos of Sam today I just felt respect, connection, thanks, sorrow, and happiness. Super happy I got to spend time with such an amazing character. I never met Rob but I sure loved Sam and I expect Rob was just as alive and passionate. The path led by Rob and then through the 78’s led me to the sport and now I fill my days passing it further. I owe a lot to Sam.”
Corey Bandy

“As a club we decided that it was a great idea that we hold the memorial for Rob Hancock in its early days. I remember the first day Sam came down and walked around introducing himself to everyone. He was so excited that someone was still playing frisbee and disc golf – remembering that he had helped set up the course. He stayed the whole day, walking the first few holes back and forth. He was really interested in how everyone was going.
He brought down a whole lot of discs from his personal collection to hand out as trophies – I’ve still got the disc he gave me. It holds pride of place. It’s a HDX-61. That day was still one of my best days ever playing disc golf. It gave us a club, which was still very much in its infancy, a real push to keep developing the sport. It’s something I’ll never forget. Through the timeline there’s just a few a few memories that stick – and this one stays as one of the most positives ones. “