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Presenting, the 2020 Aussie Disc Golf Day

One country

One tribe

One tournament

Many venues

This November 21 the Aussie Disc Golf community will come together in an event that will span the nation. Despite the best efforts of the coronavirus to keep us all apart, this is something that can unite the Aussie Disc Golf tribe. The Aussie Disc Golf Day will be a multi-venue virtual tournament which, depending on restrictions, will be played at a course near you. Results will be tabled Australia-wide and ranked according to PDGA rating for your two rounds on the day. Prizes will be awarded in every division.

We intend keeping the events small, local and at club level to avoid both unnecessary travel and large gatherings. Any given city may have multiple tournaments depending on who is keen to run them.

Every player will receive a collectible, first run, custom stamped, all-Aussie designed and manufactured disc

Click here to register.

If you don’t see an event near you to choose from in the drop-down list. Don’t worry, it just might be that your local club hasn’t organised theirs yet. Just select ‘non-Playing participant’ from the drop-down list and we’ll add you to your local event when it’s registered with us.

Event fees will be minimal. If your event is cancelled due to a change in Covid-19 restrictions in your area, you will be issued a partial refund but you get to keep your disc.

Living in a part of the country where you are almost certain that restrictions will prevent an event, but want a disc anyway? Register as a non-playing participant and we’ll get you your disc.

Want to organize an Aussie Disc Golf Day event in your area? Send an email to with the venue and name of your event and we’ll get you started.

Click here to see who has registered already.

COVID 19 Update

Unfortunately, the good progress that had been made in controlling the Covid-19 pandemic in Australia has been reversed in some locations. New South Wales has published a list of hotspots where community transmission has been confirmed. In Victoria, stay at home orders have been reinstated in some areas.

It is important that you check if these more restrictive orders apply to you.

In Victoria

in New South Wales

For NSW in particular, you should check the list of specific places and times, and if you were there, self-isolate.

For other states, players and tournament organizers should stay aware of the local requirements.

In South Australia

In Western Australia

In Queensland

In the ACT

In Tasmania

and the Northern Territory

In order to keep running disc golf events it is important that everyone follows the ADG COVID-safe play guidelines.

These state that you must not attend an event if you:

·       have a confirmed or suspected case of COVID-19

·       have been in contact with a known or suspected case of COVID-19 in the last 14 days.

·       have been told to self-isolate by a medical authority

·       are unwell or had any flu-like symptoms in the last 14 days.

Most areas still require people to practice social distancing including avoiding large gatherings, maintaining 1.5 m between people and limiting travel.

It’s especially critical that you check your local guidelines if you are planning on travelling between centres to play tournaments or league days (Sydney to Newcastle for example).

We are re-writing our code of conduct and we’d like your help

Disc golf is unique in the way it connects people. Unlike many other sports, the social activity doesn’t stop when the field of play is entered. Also, all levels of play – casual to highly competitive – usually occur among the non-playing public. We’d like a code of conduct that more closely suits this unique social context. A code that represents all of us in Australian Disc Golf. We think it would serve a few purposes:

It would assist in explaining the culture of our sport to other potential stakeholders (such as local government).

It would help educate the many newcomers to our community on their responsibility to be good representatives of the sport in public and good custodians of the parks that we play in.

It would give us a more explicit set of boundaries around anti-social behaviour: on the course, off the course and online. What constitutes an acceptable way to treat other people in disc golf is obvious to nearly every one of us. Nearly – unfortunately, there are a very small number of people who didn’t seem to ‘get the memo’ about this somewhere in their development. We need to be clearer and more direct with these people about how to act toward other disc golfers if they want to stay in our tribe. We’d like to do what we can to keep the Aussie disc golf community as safe, respectful and inclusive as possible.

It would be our code. Something about Aussie disc golf that says ‘this is us’. It isn’t intended to duplicate the PDGA players code; we want to expand on it for the environment of Australian disc golf and to cover the out-of-competition and off-course behavior that our rules of association require us to address.

So we’d like to hear from our members. Submit any comments or ideas you have for our code to We’ll use all of these submissions to help us write the new code.