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ADG COVID-19 statement – 18 March 2020

All ADG sanctioned events are suspended from today until 18th May 2020. This includes all A, B, C and X tier tournaments and leagues. ADG will be reviewing this situation and extending the suspension if needed.

Any government restrictions will supersede this statement.

The ADG tour events which are impacted by this suspension are:

  • The Stony Creek Revival
  • Baw Baw Alpine Disc Golf Classic
  • Yeronga Memorial
  • Sunshine Coast Open + WGE
  • Victorian Disc Golf Open
  • South Australian Open 2020

At the moment these events will not be rescheduled however this may be a possibility later in the year depending on how the situation progresses. We have placed the ADG tour on hold until we are better placed to make a decision about whether it can continue.

Our decision comes on the back of PDGA suspending sanctioned events worldwide AFDA have also suspended all on-field Flying Disc Activities until 18th May 2020

We appreciate your understanding in these uncertain times. We will do our best to communicate any updates as soon as possible. 

For most recent COVID-19 information, please refer to the Australian Government Department of Health link below

2019 Annual Report

The 2019 Annual Report can be found here and on the ADG Documentation page.

The highlights from the report are as follows:

  • The 2020 ADG Tour will now be calculated on a players top six events, up from four
  • A-Tier Tournament Directors will be able to request up to $100 towards media coverage of their event
  • The Australian Championships will have ADG funded flight costs for Director of Communications to attend and provide his services to the event
  • The ADG Rules of Association were updated to reflect changes to the incorporation model set out by the WA Government

ADG Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting of Australian Disc Golf (inc) will be held on

Thursday 31st October 2019, 6:30pm at Mount Gambier Golf Club (235, Attamurra Rd), SA.

This is in conjunction with the awards night and players meeting being held at the same location. The agenda for the meeting and the financial statement can be seen by clicking the links.

At the meeting we will be electing the ADG Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, Director of competitions, Development officer, Communications officer and State representatives for the ensuing year. As per the ADG Rules of Association, written nominations for the above positions must be received by me, the Secretary of Australian Disc Golf (inc) by 5.00pm Wednesday 23rd October at

Special Resolution to adopt new Rules of Association will be tabled and voted on during the meeting. The new Rules of Association have been updated from the previous version to reflect changes to the incorporation model rules put out by the WA government (Associations Incorporation Act 2015). A summary of the major changes:

  • “Oversee Australian Disc Golf tour” added as objective of the organisation
  • Voting age set to 15
  • A member can only be a proxy for up to 5 other members
  • Specifies that we were not formed or carried on for the purpose of securing profit for our members from our transactions
  • Sets out rules around forming subcommittees.

These changes will require a 75% majority to pass.

If you will not be attending the meeting you may vote by proxy. You can complete the proxy form online at proxy form

The AGM is a great opportunity to hear what has happened in disc golf around Australia in the past year and what is coming up in the year ahead. Following the official parts of the meeting the floor will be open for general discussion. You can bring items up at the meeting or send our board secretary Emilie Cameron an email with any agenda items you’d like added.