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Australian Team for World Teams Championship in Estonia


Australian Disc Golf are proud to announce the team for the 2019 World Flying Disc Federation World Teams Disc Golf Championships. This event will be held in Alutaguse, Ida-Virumaa, Estonia this August 21 to 24.

The team is

Ken-Kristian Toomjoe
Jonathan Jonas
Jacob Stanley
Andre-Kristopher Toomjoe
Priit Koiv
Kairi Koobakene
Sue Summers
Ken Summers
Matt Lamy
Shaun Batey
Archer Shaw

For news, updates and information on how to support the team. visit their facebook page on:





2018 Hall of Fame – Tim Marchbank

We are pleased to announce, along with Gail Lynch, the induction of Tim Marchbank into the ADG hall of fame in 2018. Tim started his life with frisbees at the University of Queensland in 1994. A former champion orienteering competitor, he started playing ultimate and object disc golf before acquiring his first golf discs when John Bray park was installed. Ultimate remained his main focus for the next 10 years though; and he represented Queensland in that sport a number of times.

In 2003 he traveled to Canberra for the Australian Ultimate and Flying Disc Championships and it was at this point that he began the transition to disc golf.  Tim was involved in the early development of the ADG as it grew its independence from AFDA. He has served on the ADG board for many years along with his involvement in the administration of Ultimate in Queensland.

As a player his list of achievements is extensive: He won the Australian championships in 2004 and 2009, has won the QLD championships five times and finished 2nd three times. He won the ADG tour in 2007 and even has an international win – the Crater Cup in New Zealand in 2005.

He helped design and install the Fehlberg Park Course in Brisbane in 2007. Tim has also coached at numerous come and try days, Brisbane City Council’s Active & Healthy Parks Program, Moreton Bay Regional (& forerunner Pine Rivers Shire) Council’s school’s programs and others.

Tim’s also an accomplished photographer and one of his disc golf pictures have featured on the cover of Disc Golfer magazine.

‘Rowdy’ as a few people call him, is the definition of a quiet achiever. His humble manner, high intelligence and clear vision for the sport will stand out to anyone who takes the time to get to know him.

Divisions for the 2019 Tour

Top Australian junior Evelyn Heath will be tackling the FA4 division on the 2019 ADG Tour. Picture – Kingsley Flett


As the sport of disc golf grows in Australia and the overall standard of players is improving, the structure of our divisions is gradually aligning with the rest of the world. The following changes to divisions for the 2018 tour, come into effect for the national championships

FPO is now a mandated division and must be offered at all ADG tour events. For ADG tour only, FA1 and FPO points will be combined.

MPM is now a mandated division for Australian A-Tier events only. It’s not mandated for B-Tier and below but may be offered if there is demand. For the ADG tour only, MPM points will be combined with MPO. Masters players take note MPM will be offered at the ADGC in Canberra this year.

Due to a lack of player numbers this year, FA2 will not be offered on the 2019 tour. All women above a rating of 725 will play FA1 (advanced). 725 and below will play FA4 (Novice)