by David Kynaston.
Over the coming months and maybe beyond, we will be featuring regular player profile posts to bring you some insights into the minds and disc golf life of our nation’s top pro players. To kick this off we sent our questions to Mr Jordy Wheeler, who has been tearing it up in the WA events so far in 2021.
Name: Jordan (Jordy) Wheeler
PDGA #63995
Current Rating: 975
Playing Division: MPO
Predominant throw: Lefty backhand
Sponsors: RPM Discs, Disc Connection
What are your strengths as a player?
My biggest strength in recent years has been my ability to let go of bad/unlucky execution, in turn, I’m more present for each throw. My strengths when it comes to skills would be a consistent driving and putter approach game.
What is your best or favourite competition result to date?
My best result and my favorite win would be The 2019 Rock Cities Open. Also coming second at the 2019 Australian Disc Golf Championships. Although I fell short of the win it was an awesome competition.
What are your disc golfing ambitions and plans for the next two or three years?
Enjoy the ride, help where I can, play disc golf, hang out with great people, and take the least amount of throws in competitions.
Can you share a top form tip or something that substantially helped you improve your play?
Really my top tip for improvement would be to film yourself and then compare your form with somebody with better form, spot the differences and try what they do.
How did you first get into disc golf?
A great friend went to Queenstown NZ and played on the Queenstown Gardens course, came back and told us about it. The Rob Hancock Memorial Course was just down the road from my home so we grabbed some bucket lids out of the shed and headed down for my first round. What was born from a friendly competition with friends, slowly escalated to league days and then tournaments.
What top pro player do you look up to and why?
James Conrad for his disc golf game and his outlook on life. He stands for a lot of things I believe in and can beautifully control those discs.
Your favourite disc in your bag right now?
RPM – Atomic Ruru
Thanks Jordy!