By signing on as an Australian Disc Golf (ADG) member you are agreeing to show a standard of respect to our game, the community that plays it, the environment that it is played in and the wider community that it is played among.
These behavioural standards are similar to the standards that are expected of people in any corporate, government, non-profit or social setting.
Giving due consideration to the nature and the severity of any violation of this agreement, the ADG Board, at its discretion, may instigate disciplinary procedures. These procedures allow natural justice and include a review by the board, invitation for participation and comment by all parties involved, and a decision to take disciplinary action if required. The disciplinary action may include a written warning, temporary suspension of ADG membership and, if deemed necessary, permanent ADG membership suspension.
I agree to respect the game of disc golf.
This includes playing by the Professional Disc Golf Association (PDGA) rules.
This also includes following local bylaws and regulations in the public or private property on which disc golf is being played. This may, in addition to the PDGA rules covering that specific event, refer to consumption of alcohol and smoking.
Conduct during a PDGA sanctioned event is covered by the PDGA rules and the PDGA Code of Conduct. Repeated rules violations during an event may, at the discretion of the Tournament Director, result in disqualification. Repeated violations at subsequent events that adversely impact other ADG members or that harm the interests of disc golf in Australia, will be reviewed by the ADG board and may involve the PDGA disciplinary process.
I agree to respect other ADG members.
We require you to treat all other ADG members with respect, including other players, officials, volunteers or ADG board members. We require this respect to be shown on the course, at events, socially or online. This includes all verbal, written and social media communication whether in private or in public forums.
Disagreements between people are a natural part of life, and the ADG board does not intend to adjudicate in every matter disputed. However, where a disagreement might cross into a situation of disrespect or abuse which could result in harm to the interests of disc golf in Australia, it will be reviewed by the ADG board.
Behaviour that is considered disrespectful may include:
- Hostile, abusive and denigrating language.
One complaint about behaviour of this type is more likely to be treated as a disagreement between two individuals. Repeated incidents, particularly if there is supporting evidence of such behaviour, will be reviewed. - Public criticism of another ADG member in a public forum.
Online commentary that harms the reputation of another ADG member is not acceptable, and if deemed to be detrimental to the interests of disc golf, will be reviewed. - Cyber bullying/online abuse.
As awareness grows about the long-term psychological harm that this behaviour can cause, there is growing legal protection for the victims of this abuse. Section 474.17 of the Criminal Code Act 1995 (Commonwealth) criminalises the use of a phone or the internet to threaten, harass or seriously offend somebody. A message or post could be considered offensive if it is likely to cause serious anger, outrage, humiliation or disgust. Reports of such behaviour will be reviewed.
I agree to respect the environment in which disc golf is played.
Municipal bodies across Australia are encouraged to consider disc golf courses as part of their public amenities. Part of the stated benefits of a disc golf course is that disc golfers tend to be ‘custodians of the park’: enhancing its social amenity and leaving the physical environment better than how they found it.
Littering, graffiti and damage to public facilities, flora and fauna are addressed in the local bylaws and state criminal codes where you play. Such behaviours will also harm the image and direct interests of Disc Golf in Australia if they are carried out by Disc Golfers. As such, credible, evidenced backed reports of such behaviour will also be addressed.
I agree to show respect to the community in which disc golf is played.
In the Australian parks where disc golf is played, the public always has right of way. As Disc Golfers we always strive to be friendly, respectful, and patient when interacting with the non-disc golf playing public.
Examples of how we can show our respect:
Never throw towards a member of the public (or any other player). Never take a chance, always wait for anyone in sight to be well clear of your line to the basket. If needed walk up to anyone crossing, standing in or sitting on a fairway and explain the game to them in a friendly, respectful manner. Don’t shout from the tee pad for people to get out of the way.
Being quiet when near adjoining private residences and refraining from language that may offend members of the public.
Picking up litter and placing it in bins as we go while never littering ourselves.
Complying with local bylaws in relation to drinking, smoking and illicit substances.