Tournament Formats

Please refer to the Tournament Directors Guide for full details on event requirements and standards. The following is just a summary of the key items for reference. Events of the given format must meeting these minimum standards. Organisers are of course free to exceed these standards if they wish.

For all events PDGA rules are in effect. We come under the PDGA’s international program but not that some event formats require these standards to be exceeded. In addition, players must abide by the ADG respect agreement and follow all local rules and regulations.

Sanction your event by completing the ADG Event Sanctioning Agreement.

ADGTour Events

ADGTour events have an increased minimum set of requirements and standards which must be followed to provide a consistent and high quality experience to players.

ADGTour Event Standards
StandardADGCADGTour MajorADGTour
ADG Sanctioning FeeAUD15 Player / DayAUD8 Player / DayAUD7 Player / Day
PDGA Sanctioning FeeUSD75–100 Per EventUSD50–75 Per EventUSD50 Per Event
Sanctioning Deadline18 Months Prior12 Months Prior14 Days Prior
TD RequirementsPDGA Member and Official (Including Assistant TD)
TD ParticipationMust Not PlayMust Not PlayCan Play
PDGA Officials1 per course
PDGA Tier MinimumB-Tier(A-Tier recommended1)C-Tier(B-Tier recommended1)C-Tier
ADG MembershipRequired
PDGA MembershipRequiredRecommendedRecommended
Notice of Registration1 Week Prior1 Week PriorNone
Length of Event3–4 Days2–3 Days1–2 Days
Water StationsRequired Each 9 HolesRequired Each 9 HolesRecommended
Grouping and SectioningFull PDGA 1.06 Requirements Apply
(Not Reduced International Standards)
Min. Holes Played54542 x 13
Min. Unique Baskets18189
Min. Capacity2 x 150144None
Min. Pro PurseAUD5000AUD1500AUD250
Min. Trophies1st–3rd  All Divisions1–4 Players 1st
5–11 Players 1st–2nd
12+ Players 1st–3rd
Top 1 All Divisions
% of Players Paid OutTop 33%
(Top 40% recommended1)
Top 33%Top 20%
Pro/Am Payout % Of Net Entry Fees85%
(100% recommended1)
Pro/Am Payout % Of Gross Entry Fees75%50%33%
Results SubmissionWithin 48 HoursWithin 72 HoursWithin 1 Week
ADGTour Points Basis150120100
Timing RestrictionsHeld in NovemberNot During Month of Another Major or ADGCNot During ADGC or Major in Same State
Events Per YearOneSixUnlimited
Min. Offered DivisionsAll ADGTour DivisionsAll ADGTour Divisions + MA4/FA4All ADGTour Divisions + MA4/FA4

1 Required from 2026 onwards.

Gross entry fees are what the player has paid to the event excluding transaction fees and any add-ons. Net entry fees are the gross fees minus pass-through fees defined in section 5.04 3. of the PDGA Competition manual for Disc Golf events.

Non-Tour Events

Non-Tour events offer much greater flexibility for organisers to use a format of their choosing.

Non ADGTour Event Standards
ADG Sanctioning FeeAUD3.50 Player / DayAUD1 Player / EventCase-by-Case
PDGA SanctioningOptionalOptionalNo
Sanctioning Deadline24 Hours PriorNone1 Week Prior
ADG MembershipRequiredRequiredCase-by-Case
Length of Event1–3 Days1 Day1 Day
Results SubmissionWithin 2 WeeksQuarterlyWithin 2 Weeks
Events Per YearUnlimited
PDGA RequirementsIf PDGA sanctioned then the event must comply with all PDGA requirements specified in the Competition Manual and PDGA International Program including all payout requirements and sanctioning fees..Not Applicable
Min. Offered DivisionsAnyAnyAny