Unfortunately, the good progress that had been made in controlling the Covid-19 pandemic in Australia has been reversed in some locations. New South Wales has published a list of hotspots where community transmission has been confirmed. In Victoria, stay at home orders have been reinstated in some areas.
It is important that you check if these more restrictive orders apply to you.
In Victoria
in New South Wales
For NSW in particular, you should check the list of specific places and times, and if you were there, self-isolate.
For other states, players and tournament organizers should stay aware of the local requirements.
In South Australia
In Western Australia
In Queensland
In the ACT
In Tasmania
and the Northern Territory
In order to keep running disc golf events it is important that everyone follows the ADG COVID-safe play guidelines.
These state that you must not attend an event if you:
· have a confirmed or suspected case of COVID-19
· have been in contact with a known or suspected case of COVID-19 in the last 14 days.
· have been told to self-isolate by a medical authority
· are unwell or had any flu-like symptoms in the last 14 days.
Most areas still require people to practice social distancing including avoiding large gatherings, maintaining 1.5 m between people and limiting travel.
It’s especially critical that you check your local guidelines if you are planning on travelling between centres to play tournaments or league days (Sydney to Newcastle for example).